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Aidan Gauci
Dec 11, 20211 min read
(More) Inspo - Busy vs Productive People
During the presentation that I gave in class, I have divided the term busy into a number of sub-categories. Keeping that in mind, I got...

Aidan Gauci
Dec 11, 20211 min read
Inspo - Stephen Wilson - Routine
This music video came across as I was looking out for some inspiration. This sad animation portrays this sense of routine, from a...

Aidan Gauci
Dec 11, 20211 min read
Some online inspiration for the video product
As I was browsing online, the below video clip came up to me. Albeit it is unrelated to my idea, I loved the music and overall style of...

Aidan Gauci
Dec 2, 20211 min read
Feedback to the Moodboard
As I was presenting the mood board to my class, I was suggested the idea that instead of doing a stop-motion video using playmobile...

Aidan Gauci
Nov 29, 20211 min read
Task 2 - The Mood Board
From the extracted solution, it was time to start setting up the mood by creating a mood board. The first reaction is that it may look...

Aidan Gauci
Nov 29, 20212 min read
Task 2 - Exploring the Creative Thinking Process
After choosing the final theme - A Game of Time, it was time to work on the next step of this project. First I had to research something...

Aidan Gauci
Nov 8, 20211 min read
Street Photography Session - Mosta
As part of our assignment (Task 1), I needed to go to the streets of my town and take pictures. Afterwards, I picked out my favourites,...

Aidan Gauci
Nov 8, 20211 min read
Analysis of an online photograph (Street Photography)
After several online research, I picked up the above photo, taken by Barry Bottomley. My Observations: The triangular form – The three...

Aidan Gauci
Nov 5, 20212 min read
Inspo - Back to the light - Brian May
As one may already have noticed, I consider myself as a fan of Queen as a band and Freddie Mercury and Brian May as individual solo...

Aidan Gauci
Oct 25, 20211 min read
Street Photography Practice - Valletta
We took it to Valletta to practice some street photography. From all the photos I took, these are my favourites.
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